Monthly Archives: November 2015

[Elsewhere] Book Review: Fat Sex – New Directions in Theory and Activism

The editors of “Fat Sex: New Directions in Theory and Activism” set out with several laudable aims in mind. They are looking to address the gap in fat studies around theorizing fat sex. They acknowledge the activist origins of fat studies as a field, and seek to engage with activist traditions around fat sex. Finally, they aim to represent international, interdisciplinary, and intersectional perspectives on fat sex.

Read more over on the FWSA blog.

[Elsewhere] 5 Things I Took Away from #PopSex15

DCRC’s conference on Sex and Sexualities in Popular Culture nearly broke Twitter last weekend. Ok, not quite, but for a small postgraduate conference we certainly punched above our weight, with 1.7 million impressions, and being among the Top 10 trends in Bristol throughout the day. (That the hashtag was #PopSex15 may have helped.) Here are five things I took away from the day.

Read more on the DCRC blog.